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 July 16, 2005

Dear Paul, 

 It is the eve of our last class, and I wanted to write you a note thanking you for all of your assistance in this process. Without knowing of course how it will turn out this time, I wanted you to know that I feel very fortunate to have heard of you through Virginia. You were everything she promised, and more. Not only does your system make a lot of sense, especially the emphasis on layering and constant re-review, but you yourself are an amazing person - not only in the manner that you deliver the material, but in the way that you provide "that something extra," the feeling that you genuinely care about how we are all doing, and that you are really pulling for us personally. This extra dose of confidence and support was not something that I had expected to find in this process.

Your personal confidence in us, whether in the form of quiet encouragement, just listening as we stressed out on the phone or in person, without a hint of judgment or frustration on your part, was amazing. I know at times we as students can be your own worst enemies, and I feel that at certain points in this process I was working against myself. Thank you for your patience, kindness, skill, and wisdom in this process.

I am confident I will see  you again. Hopefully it will be in the context of my driving to Fullerton to give your next class a pep talk like the one we got from some of your alums.

Best regards and thank you,
