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When you commit to the CBTR Process you help ensure that your test taking skills - including a confident, positive attitude - meet the bar preparation and performance standards necessary to pass the bar on your next attempt. We will work together to meet that challenge.
At Cal Bar Tutorial Review, we know we’re not the biggest, but we believe we’re the best! CBTR is a leader in the California bar tutorial field. Other programs pride themselves on offering just some of the benefits that all CBTR students enjoy, including:
Private Tutoring
Unlimited Graded Exams
Individualized Feedback
Personalized Coaching
Every Applicant’s Study Hours Strategized and Time-Managed
Unique ICO (Issue Clustering Outline) Approach
Precise Writing Style “Delivery Systems” for both Essay and Performance Exams
Short and Long-term programs available
Completely integrated law school and bar review programs also available
Just as Paul Pfau has led 4 Mt. Everest Expeditions, with over 20 climbers reaching the summit, he created CBTR with the vision of leading law students from graduation to successful passage of the most difficult bar examination in the country. Part of CBTR’s mission, along with guiding and coaching students, is to put students before tuition fees and offer its curriculum at a price students can afford.
CBTR is more than competitive with other programs – often hundreds and even thousands less – staying true to its mission to offer its proven program for much less than the “mass market” one-size-fits-all companies. Also, CBTR has a “pay it forward” policy in additionally offering partial scholarships to discount its already competitive price for those students who have charitable and/or volunteer work in their background.
For nearly 40 years, CBTR is: Proven • Personalized • Affordable
For price comparisons, please inquire through 800-783-6168 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Law Student Reps Wanted
Earn credit towards a FREE Course when you refer qualified candidates that enroll in the California Bar Tutorial & Review program - A common sense approach for raising your law school grades & passing the Bar Exam with an All-In-One-Common-Sense-Cost. Additional discounts may also be available for small groups or any charitable experience you may have contributed to others. As always, Cal Bar's policy is to pay it forward".
Statewide Test Results
First Time Takers
about 57.2% Fail
Repeat Takers
about 77.1% Fail
All Takers
about 70.9% Fail
about 80.7% Fail
Still not sure you need help? View the full report.
Avoid a nightmare of bar exam failures. Call 1-800-783-6168 today!
First Year Law Students
California Bar Exam
Note : This is our
40th Anniversary Year
Also, there are accompanying discount opportunities because of this.
Cal Bar’s “Pay It Forward” discount policy enables you to discount the cost of your individualized program if you have charitable experience in your background.
If you have no charitable experience, you may still qualify for a $1,000 discount from your totally personalized program – which includes old-fashioned one-on-one, materials, classes. Just ask.
Earn credit towards a FREE Course when you refer qualified candidates that enroll in the California Bar Tutorial & Review program - A common sense approach for raising your law school grades & passing the Bar Exam with an All-In-One-Common-Sense-Cost.
As always, Cal Bar's policy is to "pay it forward". Learn How
More Success For Ali
Cal Bar is pleased to announce that Ali Hinsche continued her remarkable run of success in having just passed the Florida bar exam.
This was her 4th (count 'em: 1, 2, 3, 4) successful bar - on her 1st attempt-following California, New York and Illinois.
While Ali worked with Cal Bar for each state, she also owes her success to persistence, hard work, and in learning how to adapt and apply the Cal Bar test-taking systems to the requirements of each bar exam.
Having trouble locating something on our website? Take a look at our Site Map or use the link at the top of every page to Contact Us. We would be glad to assist you.
I am writing to thank you for all the help you gave me while I was preparing for this past February's bar examination. I know I couldn't have done it without you.
E. Ericson
Specializing in English as a Second Language (ESL) and applicants with learning needs requiring special bar exam accommodations.